Volunteer with Us!
Our dedicated volunteers are the heart of NAMI Dane County. Volunteers help to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness by sharing their personal experiences, talents, and skills. Whether you are giving your time because our programs have helped you or a loved one or you are passionate about mental health, you can make a difference.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill out the volunteer application at the bottom of this page.
Volunteer Application
After submitting the application below you will be contacted to discuss your interests and next steps. If you have questions about volunteering please call the office at 608-249-7188 or email Quinn Jiles at quinn@namidanecounty.org.
Please note that we ask specific questions as we use this data to meet grant requirements we may be applying for. We do not share specific contact information.
For detailed descriptions and explanations about all of our volunteer offerings, check out our Volunteer Handbook!
Volunteer Opportunities
Please note that these positions are available based on need and availability.