Crisis Intervention Trainings

This training was so beneficial by providing so many resources to help people. I also liked learning more about how to recognize mental health conditions and how to communicate with people in a mental health crisis.
— Sun Prairie Police Department CIT Training
This information demonstrated ways to support those with mental illness and trauma in a very effective way. It teaches empathy and understanding of the person and their illness.
— DeForest School District CIP Training
I would strongly recommend this training to others. I think the entire experience was informative and incredibly valuable.
— Dane County Emergency Management CIP Training

NAMI Dane County provides Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) and Crisis Intervention Partner (CIP) training in partnership with local law enforcement and first responders, as well as mental health providers and other community stakeholders.

In 2024, 185 law enforcement officers, first responders, mental health providers and community stakeholders were trained in Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) and Crisis Intervention Partner (CIP) programs in order to better respond to people experiencing a mental health crisis.

CIT programs provide 40 hours of training for law enforcement officers and first responders who are interested in better understanding and improving their interactions with people who experience mental health crises. 

CIP is a 16-hour training modeled after the CIT curriculum but is designed for a wider-ranging audience, including emergency personnel, hospital staff, teachers, social workers, and more.

Overall Goals

The overall goals of the CIT/CIP programs are to:

  1. Improve overall safety

  2. Avoid unnecessary use of force

  3. Improve identification, referral and treatment planning for people with mental illness

  4. Develop a positive perception and increased confidence among participants to respond to mental health crises

CIT Curriculum

  • Overview of various mental illnesses (symptoms, treatments, myths and facts)

  • Presentations & discussion with family members and people living with mental illness

  • Education on de-escalating mental health crises safely and effectively

  • Interactive role-plays on crisis de-escalation with feedback from trainers

  • Other activities might include: auditory hallucination (hearing voices) simulations, site visits, ride-alongs with community social workers and more)

CIP curriculum

  • Basic education on human development & the impact of trauma

  • Overview of various mental illnesses (symptoms, treatments)

  • Presentation & discussion with individuals living with mental illness

  • Education on safe, effective crisis de-escalation and active listening skills

  • Self-care, building of support networks, and resiliency

  • Interactive role-plays on crisis de-escalation with feedback from trainers

  • Other activities might include: auditory hallucination (hearing voices) simulations

To learn more about the CIT/CIP programs go to the NAMI Wisconsin CIT/CIP website.

A special thank you to our partners at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Police Department, City of Madison Police Department, Dane County Sheriff's Department, and Attic Correctional Services for their continued support and engagement in such an important initiative.