Healthy Coping Skills and Self-Soothing Activities

By Sophie Ross, Program and Outreach Intern

Life can get overwhelming sometimes. I know I personally have had a difficult time staying positive and remaining grounded during this pandemic. Fortunately, I have a list of some self-soothing skills/activities in my back pocket to pull out when I am feeling like this.

Before I share my list with you, I want to remind you that any current feelings of anger or fear or sadness are all valid. Engaging in these skills is not a means to discredit any feelings. We can acknowledge our feelings while also working towards a calmer, more grounded state of being.

Not all of the following will work for everyone. If you try something and think, “Hmm, I’m not sure about this,” try something else! If you are interested, maybe use this unique moment in time to focus a bit more on yourself. After engaging in an activity, ask yourself how you are feeling. “Do I feel less anxious?” If the answer is no, maybe try a different one on the list. Without further ado, here is the list:

  • Eat some pop rocks (changed my life ya’ll)

  • Splash cold water on your face/take a cold shower

  • Draw/paint

  • Do a puzzle

  • Exercise (tip: good free yoga videos on YouTube)

  • Eat mindfully

  • Meditate (Insight Timer has a bunch of free meditations)

  • Call/message a friend or family member

  • Make a list of things you are grateful for

  • Journal

  • Give a person or pet some cuddles

  • Watch funny videos

  • Wiggle your toes in the grass (seems super odd, but weirdly grounding)

  • Bake/cook a new recipe

  • Listen to loud music

  • Learn a new song on an instrument

  • Dance around

  • Teach yourself a new skill you’ve been wanting to acquire (mine is yodeling)

  • Write down positive affirmations (I stuck mine on my bathroom mirror)

  • Read a book/magazine

  • Rip up paper

  • Organize your room/living space

  • Mindful breathing (ex: in through nose for 4 – hold for 7 – out through mouth for 8)

  • Grounding through focusing on the senses: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can physically feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste.

If you find any of these skills helpful, feel free to look up your own mindful activities and make your own list!

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