Introducing our New Website

The one thing we care about more than anything is ensuring people have access to the information they need to better understand mental illness and navigate the mental health system. We also understand that getting help and knowing where to start can be overwhelming.

With this in mind, we took an opportunity to overhaul our site from top to bottom to better meet the needs of our visitors. Our priority was to create a user-friendly site that provided visitors with access to a treasure trove of up-to-date information about mental illness, NAMI Dane County education and support programs, and community resources.

We also wanted to improve the functionality of our site. Our goals were to make it mobile-friendly so that we're able to reach a larger audience, incorporate social media so that visitors are more easily able to connect with us socially, add a blog, and embed e-commerce to ensure a positive user experience. 

Keeping these goals and objectives in mind, what did we accomplish?

Our new site:

  • features detailed information about who we are and what we do
  • showcases our talented team and board leadership
  • highlights current programs and services, with meeting dates, times, and locations
  • allows people to register online for upcoming programs or request a presentation
  • leads visitors to community resources that meet his/her needs
  • promotes upcoming events and ways to get involved
  • connects visitors to our social media pages
  • provides up-to-date information on the latest research, legislation, and policy updates related to mental illness
  • ensures people affected by mental illness have the opportunity to share their story and have their voice heard

The entire NAMI Dane County team contributed to the creation of our new site. We certainly learned a lot in the process and we hope it shows. We welcome your input and feedback so that we can better meet your needs. You can provide input by sending us a message via the Contact Us page.


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